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Tag : Life in Atlanta

New Work: 2013 Federal Reserve Annual Report Videos

I don’t often share the work I do at my full time job because it’s for a totally different audience. However we just completed a new project I’m happy to share with you all in hopes that you’ll enjoy looking at it and find some of the information useful.

Permanent Art Exhibit in Corporate Cafeteria

Last year I spent 16 days on the road shooting commissioned art work for a corporate client. They wanted bright colorful images from around the Southeast to adorn their cafeteria walls. They gave me a few examples of stuff they liked and then set me free to photograph 6 cities and capture work worthy of printing 6 feet wide and framing. A tall order to say the least…

The 2011 Peachtree Road Race

I live 2 blocks from the finish line of the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race, so I wandered down there with @jenamiller and snapped a few shots as the runners raced by.

Farm Burger

Yeah! Burger and Farm Burger

I’m trying to carry my camera around more often and had it with me as I ate at both Yeah! Burger and Farm Burger here in Atlanta. Both places emphasize natural organic ingredients and both are excellent places to grab a delicious burger. I don’t view this as a competition because I think we are lucky to have them both! Yeah! Burger: “Our burgers and sandwiches are made in house with natural and organic ingredients and are free of antibiotics, […]

Beer Photoshoot at Turner Field

Got the chance to help Charleston photographer Brennan Wesley on a photoshoot at Turner Field today. Great photographer, great guy, and great gig. We knocked out 15 portraits each with a different location (all within the complex) and then shot tons of ambient stuff for Atlanta Beverage Company. They were having their second annual tradeshow, which means there was tons of free beer everywhere for the drinking… Here are a few behind the scenes cell phone shots.

Beautiful Day in Atlanta

It’s a beautiful day here in Atlanta. The rain we had last week washed away the cold and dark winter and left us with an optimistic taste of spring!

Some Random Photos from Jan 2011

Here a just a few randoms from this month. I’ve been trying to carry my camera more often but definitely not doing it often enough!

Snow day in Atlanta Jan-2011

It snowed in Atlanta last night. Got about 4-6 inches. Was able to meet up with my friend Jen to go out and shoot a few pics!

Thanks- 2010

I’ve had a crazy few years since 2007. Lots of craziness. This is my second Thanksgiving in Atlanta and I’ve got lots to be thankful for. I’ve got a couple of amazing friends here and I’ve got a good job that challenges me in ways I should be challenged. I’ve got a place to live that I really like and I’ve got some cool projects going that could lead to cool stuff down the road. I’ve got a great family […]

Images from East Atlanta Strut Part 2

As mentioned in part 1, I was able to hit the streets of East Atlanta for the Annual East Atlanta Strut Festival. It was fun! Here are the rest of the images! This last one is of a poodle riding around strapped to the chest of this biker guy. Took a few quick shots, and this was the best I could manage…

Images from East Atlanta Strut Part 1

I was able to attend the East Atlanta Strut with a friend over the weekend and took my camera. Here are a few of the images I shot. More coming in part 2!

Andrea Fremiotti Gallery at Big Studio

Lately I’ve been doing some freelance work for Andrea Fremiotti, who owns Burn Photo, and one of the things I did was help him prepare for a gallery show at Big Studio. I did the printing and coordinated the framing, designed and published a companion book, and then hung the show. The images are stunning aerial photos of housing development areas ‘on hiatus’ because the money ran out during the recession of 2008-2009. He calls this series “Arrested Development”. You […]

The Great Atlanta Flood of ’09

On September 21st, 2009, after 4 days of constant rain, Atlanta experienced extreme flooding. Ten people died and 20,000 homes and businesses suffered major damage. Here’s a picture taken (not by me) in downtown Atlanta…(click picture for source) My apartment complex was severely flooded and everyone was evacuated. It all happened very quickly. I had been out of town for the weekend and came back at about 3:00pm. One side of the complex was already flooded and it was getting […]

76 Monte Carlo

My neighbors friend pulled up in this awesome customized 76 Monte Carlo. I had to take some shots! Click here if you don’t see a gallery below.[nggallery id=25]

Not Dead, just busy!

I have been gathering a whole lot of content to stick up on the blog, but I’m just not finding the time to post. I’m about to complete my third week of my third quarter of school and I’ve shot three weddings in the last three weekends… So, all my time is spent on school work or editing weddings… I’ve had other interesting things going on too, so I’m hoping to find the time to make a few updates to […]