When I left a cushy full time job in Arkansas in 2007 to move to Santa Fe and work for the Santa Fe Photography Workshops, I viewed it as the beginning of an amazing adventure. It was an awesome, (if sometimes bumpy) ride that led me to some great places and introduced me to tons of great people along the way. Ultimately I found myself in Atlanta, Georgia hustling for work as a freelance photo/video specialist and teaching the occasional workshop.
But then one day a few months ago, I got connected to a small ad agency/production house called Adventure Advertising and I was immediately hooked. They are specialists in the outdoor recreational niche market and their clients mostly deal in fishing, hunting, and boating. I got involved as a freelance video editor for several projects and was impressed by the quality of work that we were doing. Earlier this week they offered me a full time position as a multimedia specialist and even though I really enjoy the freedom of schedule of the freelance lifestyle, ultimately I love being part of a team that is producing great work. Of course having a steady pay check is helpful, but for me, more important than money is really enjoying your work. I have fun working at Adventure and like the way they do things so it was a pretty simple decision. I’m honored they chose to bring me on board and I’m really excited about the future!
I’ll be updating this website soon with some of the projects I’ve been working on, but in the meantime, check out the Adventure Advertising site at www.adventureadv.com.
I will still be doing lots of stuff on the side, including workshoppers.org, createexplore.com, and kendrickdischweddings.com and I still plan to do personal photo/video work as schedule/budget allows.
Good for you Kendrick! Best part is that you love your job. I just hope that when I graduate I can find a job that I love, too!