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Tag : Life in Maine


This is Allen. He worked at the Maine Media Workshops as the Digital Service Bureau Manager and we shared an office space. We also were roommates at the cabin. He’s a cool cat and possibly the best photo printing ninja I’ve met. He now assists for John Paul Caponigro. He is one of my best friends from my time in Maine and I look forward to following his blossoming career.

Dave at Union Hall

I was playing with a tilt-shift lens awhile back and shot these two pics of my coworker from The Maine Media Workshops, Dave. It was really tough because I had to use a shutter speed of 1.6 seconds (which is a long time!), camera balanced on my knee, adjusting focus and composition by trial and error.

Leaving Maine

I moved to Maine in April of 2008 to work as the IT Manager of the Maine Media Workshops during the 2008 workshop season. It was a 6 month gig that had me running the three digital photo labs and managing the networks on campus. I also was the primary troubleshooter for most computer problems. I learned a ton and am thankful for the opportunity to work in such a creative atmosphere. I enjoyed my job and met so many […]

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 is the second thanksgiving in a row that I haven’t spent with my family and the second in a row that I haven’t had turkey. I spent Thanksgiving 2007 in Mexico. I had Fettuccine Alfredo because we couldn’t find any place serving turkey. It wasn’t that good. Would have preferred some delicious turkey and mashed taters and gravy, some corn, green beans, stuffing, and hot dinner rolls. Oh well. Below is a random picture I took on Thanksgiving […]

Maine colors

I grew up in Arkansas which has incredible fall colors, but I must admit, this fall in Maine was really quite beautiful and probably more colorful than most Autumn’s in Arkansas.

Tilt Shift Picnic

Time has flown by, but back in August, I got my hands on a Canon 24mm tilt shift lens ($1149 from Amazon and more info here) and played with it at a picnic/barbecue at my house with some friends and coworkers. The tilt shift lens is very tricky to use. For the non-photographers out there: basically it gives you the ability to manipulate your plane of focus on an x, y, and z axis instead of just the normal x […]

Photoshoot with 7 Weekers

The Maine Media Workshops has a 7 week work study program which involves instruction in either photography or filmmaking. The photos below were the idea of Lou, one of the filmmakers. She also happens to be a photographer and wanted to take some portraits of her classmates. She asked me to help her with the lighting setup. Carlos, another filmmaker/photographer wanted to help so it ended up being a very collaborative effort with all three of us contributing ideas and […]

Inside the Green Berets; a viewing with the DP

Tonight I ran the show for a presentation of a film called Inside the Green Berets, produced by National Geographic. This was probably my favorite film viewing since I’ve been in Maine. The reason for the viewing is that Ryan, the director of photography, used to work here at the Maine Media Workshops as an editor, and he is here this week taking a class. So we all headed down to the theater and watched the film and had a […]

More Candlepin Bowling

So the other night I hung out at the bowling alley with some friends and shot a few pics! Matt and Kevin Deb This is a little semi-private area of the bowling lanes and we took over the whole area! Carlos Carlos showing off his hours old tattoo Bruce Carlos bowled a spare Lou Michael Matt Good times with good friends!


so we had another party at my cabin on saturday night. This one was themed Anything But Clothes! You can tell by the pics that it was super silly, but we had a great time! Click here for a Flickr slideshow of the pics! Below are a few highlights… but I encourage looking at the flickr show for lots of fun party pics! Alan Emily Hannah Trevor and his hat made out of film! After the party!

I’ll break your face!

so the other night a bunch of us were playing capture the flag and I broke Hannah’s face… This pic was taken 5 days after the injury. It was very very dark and I was running as fast as I could to grab the flag or at least untag one of my teammates. She was standing between me and the flag and she reached out to tag me, I tried to go around her, and in the process, my elbow […]

My office in Maine

Just thought I would share a pic of my office in Maine.

Candlepin Bowling in Maine

In the New England area they have a variation on standard bowling. They call it Candlepin Bowling. The pins are cylinders about the size of a stick of dynamite or a road flare and the balls are about the size of a grapefruit. It’s much harder than regular bowling. I went with some friends from the Maine Media Workshops and we had a great time. My camera got passed around a bit so some of these shots weren’t taken by […]

Maine Media Workshops Open House

On Sunday the Maine Media Workshops had their second annual Open House. This is the event where people can come from anywhere in the world to check out the facilities and learn about what happens here. I was pretty busy most of the day, but I did manage to snap a few pictures of the Dog Portrait studio. This was setup using Canon’s wifi system to send pictures straight to the computer as they were taken and then they would […]

Local Bar Scene

So I took my camera with me the other night when I went out to one of the local bars. A poker tourney in action! A girl named Jackie showed me her films on her iphone. Pretty cool! My buddy Trevor throwing some darts!